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Añadido por Undead til the day I die | Comentar(8)
Imágenes, Carteles y Desmotivaciones de

carteles musica hollywood undead sleeping with sirens mayday parade they are not just bands they are reason desmotivaciones

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Comentarios (8)

Dark emotions
Dark emotions    
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Stay for tonight, if you want to i can show you what my dreams are made of(8) :D

Undead til the day I die
Undead til the day I die    
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@Dark emotions, If you can't dream well what life means? (Otro grupo, pero la intención es lo que cuenta) *-*

Dark emotions
Dark emotions    
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@Undead til the day I die, jajaja :D "Until endless days and nights I'll wait for you" De grupos va la cosa :D

Undead til the day I die
Undead til the day I die    
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@Dark emotions, hahaha "This is waar" es broma xD prefiero "If we are born to die and we all die to live
Then whats the point of living life if it just contradicts?"

Dark emotions
Dark emotions    
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@Undead til the day I die, Eso me ha recordado a una cancion parecida XD "I am the death unlimited and death is all I have to give let me tell you the meaning of life is not to live but to die"

Undead til the day I die
Undead til the day I die    
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@Dark emotions, también me gustan unos versos... me gustaban tanto que no quería cortar y ponerte la mitad así que toma tocho "Wake up in the middle of ascending in the night.
With some tears on my pillow and this blood on my knife.
And my soul has stained the sheets but they're pulled off to the side.
Who's blood could this be, is it yours or is it mine.
Take the knife and twist it. Where's my heart you missed it.
You know I don't wanna die but baby you insist it.
Breathing is a luxury that I just shouldn't have.
My heart just keeps on beating and it's more than you can stand."

Dark emotions
Dark emotions    
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@Undead til the day I die, Hmm me gusta mucho :D

Undead til the day I die
Undead til the day I die    
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@Dark emotions, Gracias *-*

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