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Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@Dr Miedito, ya ve :D

Dr Miedito
Dr Miedito    
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@Its... Nothing., quien en su sano juicio se duerme sobre su maqueta días antes de la entrega D:

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@Dr Miedito, es un gato :( no pidas màs :(

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@[ Midnight Orchestra], què es lo màs lindo?:O

[ Midnight Orchestra]
[ Midnight Orchestra]    
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@Its... Nothing., Mi gato se muere si hace eso con mi proyecto de Taller xD

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@[ Midnight Orchestra], jajaja, mi loro ha sufrido golpes por acercarse al plano :S

[ Midnight Orchestra]
[ Midnight Orchestra]    
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@Its... Nothing., Con las plantas arquitectónicas no se metan xD

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@[ Midnight Orchestra], pero es que se les hace apetecible ;_;

[ Midnight Orchestra]
[ Midnight Orchestra]    
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@Its... Nothing., Yo por eso trabajo en mesas hiper altas xD

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@[ Midnight Orchestra], sabe... he pasado tanto tiempo con mi plano que le considero mi amigo :(

[ Midnight Orchestra]
[ Midnight Orchestra]    
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@Its... Nothing., Yo de a poco usaré CAD xD

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@[ Midnight Orchestra], cuando ud dijo"trabajo en mesas hiper altas xD" leì "hipster... me hice ilusiòn y todo :(

[ Midnight Orchestra]
[ Midnight Orchestra]    
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@Its... Nothing., No sé cómo serían xD

[ Midnight Orchestra]
[ Midnight Orchestra]    
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@Its... Nothing., ¿Eso es legal? xD

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@[ Midnight Orchestra], legal y horrible :D

me dieron arcadas y todo :(

[ Midnight Orchestra]
[ Midnight Orchestra]    
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@Its... Nothing., Lol (?)

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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[ Midnight Orchestra]
[ Midnight Orchestra]    
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@Its... Nothing., *La deja en visto*

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Nos has visto nada...

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ud que no le toma ternura a una maqueta, eso es otra cosa D:

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Claro que lo hago, solamente no lo expreso. e.e

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, a cuántas maquetas has amado?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., ¿Amar? jaja

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, de eso hablábamos :S

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Hablábamos de ver con ternura a una maqueta, no amarla. Bueno, eso es lo que yo entendí. xD

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, sí, pero un tema llevo al otro :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Ah! entonces intentas evadir mis comentarios (?

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, jaja, nada, qué digo entonces? :O

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Hablemos sobre las hamburguesas marcianas.

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, me lees la mente, tengo por subir un cartel de hamburguesas :3

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Es porque fuimos almas gemelas en otra vida, es algo transcendental...

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, pero qué dice ud, si he estacionado de manera adecuada :S

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Yo me quede en la Luna.

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, en la luna no se puede edificar ;_;

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., En un futuro no muy lejano será posible.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing.,

Así será.-

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, se iría volando :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., No pude enseñarte una imagen. ;-;

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, yo no puedo buscar :S
sigue estando raro :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Pero es cosa fácil, pero te complicas la vida jaja

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, no sé qué le hice y me fastidia :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Tienes que pedirle ayuda a un adulto niña. :p

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, ya sabe que odio esa palabra... la odio, en serio.
de igual debo llevarlo a revisar.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Te apuesto que no lograrías descubrir la palabra que a mi me fastidia. xd

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, pendejo, (?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., No me molesta las palabras vulgares.

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, me rindo :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Its... Nothing., Lo sé, yo no soy muy predecible.

Its... Nothing.
Its... Nothing.    
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@The smoking poet, qué complejidad de ser :S

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