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bueno 42 | malo 6

puntos 9 | votos: 9
Sin Sufrimiento - no hay Felicidad
puntos 6 | votos: 6
German y Fabricio - dos grandes héroes de la comedia chilena
puntos 0 | votos: 2
Demi Lovato - you do not know how much I love, I know a lot about you, I love the
way you are, but I much prefer that after everything that happened
before he could get up and stay strong, is the best example for
everyone, not want anyone to go through the same thing as you, I do
not know Id do without you! Ive often thought I leftover in this
world, but you make me feel important, since worries about his
lovatics not know all their songs, I not have all his albums, do not
know about his life, but I know youre the best person that ever
lived, you are very important to many people, very important to me,
this layer does not even reading this, and never will know anything
about me, but I love you because youre the reason Im alive , thank
you very much, Demi Lovato
puntos 4 | votos: 4
Ese momento incomodo - Cuando se te mete el Calson en la raja
puntos -4 | votos: 6
Le dices - Gay a quien no lo es   Y   no le dices lo que es a quien si lo es

puntos 10 | votos: 10
Desear Tanto Algo - Para hacer cosas Inigualables
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Amarlo Tanto - y saver el No te Ama a ti
puntos 8 | votos: 8
Desmotiva - Que tengas un Amigo y Lo des Todo por el y que a el no le importe y al
Final de todo, Te Des Cuenta


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