 En Desmotivaciones desde:

 Última sesión:

 Votos recibidos:
bueno 0 | malo 0
La razón de baneo:
varias cuentas

puntos -7 | votos: 25
Canis - Porque tener tu propio estilo no significa ser una mala influencia
puntos 2 | votos: 4
Es curioso - Si te arrancan un brazo y protestas eres un exagerado
Si arrancas un dedo eres un Hijo de puta, un Terrorista y dios sabe que más
puntos 21 | votos: 21
La batamanta - Que bien me sienta
puntos 19 | votos: 19
Corre, salta -
puntos 3 | votos: 7
Y cuanto más aceleroooooo - mas calentito me pongoooo

puntos 6 | votos: 6
¡¡¡A la puta calle!!! -
puntos 5 | votos: 9
No te toqueees! - NUUUNCAAAAAAA!
puntos 45 | votos: 45
Siempre he sido  - mi única maestra, 
y he de reconocer que siempre he sido mi alumna favorita.
puntos 18 | votos: 18
Es más fácil - perderse entre las paginas de un libro
que escribir las tuyas propias
puntos 5 | votos: 5
Los genios - siempre mueren jovenes

puntos 15 | votos: 17
Yo tambien lo he dicho... - Un poquito de por favor!
puntos 7 | votos: 7
Me suicidaría.. - pero con los parciales no tengo tiempo..
puntos -1 | votos: 9
Suicidas... - en esta foto no hay ninguno.
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Me pareció... - ver un lindo gatito
puntos 10 | votos: 12
Estoy arto - loco estoy arto de como esta cambiando nuestra vida.
todos somos iguales y no hay que discriminar a otros por  su credo o
lugar de orrigen soy argentino lo admito pero no por eso soy menor a
lo de esta pagina soy catolico y es algo que me gusta pero no voy a
andar predicando de aca para aya y respeto la opinion atea. pero
tambien respeten por que algunos hicieron el mal en el pasado no nos
culpen a todos nadie es perfecto y sobre todo lo se por que yo no
creia en nada pero si de algo estoy seguro. es que ni los ateos ni los
creyentes le gusta este mundo asique si queremos cambiar algo
comenzemos por nosotros.
gracias por escuchar este pequeño desahogo

puntos 37 | votos: 41
¿Sabías que.. - si nuestros átomos fueran del tamaño de una manzana nosotros
seríamos tan grandes que el sistema solar cabría en la palma de
nuestra mano?
puntos 12 | votos: 14
Usuarios de desmotivaciones: - Sois peces que siguen la corriente del top 10, ajustando el tema de
vuestros carteles a los tipos de carteles que se ven más a menudo en
la principal, tales como fotos de emos que se escriben fuck you en
los nudillos o skaters tristes, todo esto acompañado de una frase
copiada de internet que no tiene nada que ver. Ni el 40% de las
personas que hacen estos carteles sienten lo que escriben en ellos.

Todavía quedan algunos que creen que las frases de chuck norris
siguen siendo divertidas, o que llamar gay a bieber os hace mas
graciosos. De verdad, sed un poco originales, cuando vengo a esta
pagina vengo a ver carteles que me hagan reir o que me hagan pensar,
no quiero estar pulsando f5 continuamente hasta ver UN SOLO cartel que
me haga gracia.
puntos 13 | votos: 17
Querido admin - no sé quien eres, pero me gustaría que me dieras a mi y a todos los usuarios
una explicación sobre por qué borras carteles que no son ofensivos/vulgares/etc.

Parece que el único criterio para borrar carteles es el tuyo. Censura se llama eso.

Da la cara si eres tan valiente.
puntos 11 | votos: 19
Antes de que Newton - inventara la gravedad todo el mundo levitaba?
puntos 12 | votos: 12

puntos 15 | votos: 15
puntos 1610 | votos: 1660
Porque ir tocando rodilla - Ya está muy visto
puntos 41 | votos: 41
Descargando -  NuevoAmor.exe █████ ] 99% 
ERROR: Elimine archivo Recuerdos.rar y reinicie su corazón.
puntos 6 | votos: 8
Slake  - es un cagon
puntos 15 | votos: 21
Por el amor de Snorlax - Dejad de mataros unos a otros, esto solo es una maldita página de internet.

puntos 1800 | votos: 1894
Muy interesante... - continúa.
puntos 12 | votos: 14
Adivina -
puntos 4 | votos: 6
                                         - Its my tenth birthday and I cant believe I have to put up with this
crap. I hate my dad. Why would he make such a stupid decision? Why did
he move into this stupid Vivos bunker when I was a baby? Its my
birthday today and instead of having fun and playing outside like a
regular kid, I get to eat some crappy-tasting cake in a cramped

Almost everyone here is either a complete whack job or a jerk. The
only real friend I have is Amata. I can always count on her. Its
times like this I think that I wouldnt be in this situation if it
werent for mom dying. I think it was her death that drove dad to make
us move down here. My partys gonna start in about an hour and
hopefully dad at least managed to find me something decent.

June 25, 2012

I think dads gone crazy. He gave me a fucking gun. I dont know what
Im supposed to do with it down in this vault, but he doesnt seem to
care. Mr. Almodover, or The Overseer as he likes to call himself,
gave me a pretty cool digital watch. I wear it so much its like its
welded to my wrist. I got nothing of value from anyone else.

December 28, 2012

Its past the day of the apocalypse and nothing has happened. Big
surprise. My dad keeps insisting that the end will soon be upon us and
that I should be thankful Im in such a protected place. I try to
convince him hes mad, but he wont pay me any mind.

February 13, 2014

I sneaked into my dads office today. Him being the vaults only
dentist, he has information on all the residents. I figured I might be
able to get some inside information on Christine by accessing his
computer. I found nothing and was about to leave before I noticed his
personal journals were left open. I read the most recent entry.

The Novocain transport pipe has a leak at point 323-XY3. A constant
supply of Novocain is being added to the air supply. Due to the
security and health implications of repairing it, we have decided to
leave it be. The dosage is said to be small enough to have no effect
on residents. I couldnt understand most of what he was talking
about. I heard his footsteps approaching, so I quickly ran back to my

January 16, 2015

I was incredibly bored one day, as I was most days, so I decided to
snoop around dads office. he has a bobble-head with a huge medical
syringe on his desk for some reason. I found his journals again and
decided to read. The gap has slowly widened over the last year. The
Novocain doses are increasing. At this level, we expect minor brain
damage as a side effect. I warned Alphonse of the implications, but
hes gone mad with power. At this rate, the leak is doomed to increase
in size. Permanent brain damage will be the result. I wouldnt be
surprised if hallucinations start to set in after enough time has
passed. I hope to God things resolve themselves.

I didnt know what Novocain was, but I sure knew what brain damage
was. I immediately confronted my dad about what he wrote. He passed it
off as a novel he was writing. It explains things better than it being
true. Ill choose to believe it. For now.

August 04, 2017

Im suffering from what I believe are terrible hallucinations. I keep
seeing giant cockroaches and my watch has become oddly high tech. I
vaguely remembered my dads journal talking about this, so I ran to
his office and started reading. Im sure of it. Everyone is going mad
from the Novocain. Theyre starting to fabricate things in their
senses. The terrifying thing is that these hallucinations even
penetrate ones memories. Its as if it completely alters your
perception. Everything is livable, no one is crazy beyond reason, but
if things persist to an unbearable point, Ill be forced to try to
repair the pipe myself.

This was ridiculous. Why would dad say such things? The giant roaches
have always been there. Ever since I was born. I even shot one on my
birthday! Andy the robot had worked at dads office for years. He was
even at my party! The sheer implication he was making, that people
were starting to go crazy...its just preposterous. Im sure this is
just an inventive story of him. Im sure everythings fine.

September 24, 2018

Today is the day of the big test! Im really excited! I hope Ill
become a Laundry Cannon Operator...Ooh! Or maybe a Pip-Boy Programmer!
That would be so cool! Well, I better get going; I dont want to be
late. Hopefully, I wont run into Butch and the Tunnel Snakes on my
way there.

March 11, 2021

I found a note from my father. Son, the vault is falling into ruin. I
need to try my best to repair the Novocain pipe. For some reason, Im
the only one not affected by the gas. If I dont succeed or something
goes wrong, Im leaving the vault. Son, you mustnt leave. Everyone in
the vault has gone homicidal and I dont know what theyll do to you.
Im not even sure if you can understand this letter. But just know
that I love you. Dad is so silly.

March 12, 2021

Amata woke me up. She said there was a lock down. Officers were
patrolling the halls and my father had escaped. She gave me a pistol
and ran off. My God, I see whats happened. My father wasnt crazy. He
was telling the truth! He was trying to save us all Everything I knew
was a figment of my own creation. The ridiculous uniforms everyone
wore the giant cockroaches, the robot doctor....it was all so
ridiculous! How could I have been so stupid?!

I ran out of my room, determined to escape with my father. I cut a
path of blood along my way, shooting what I thought were giant roaches
and officers. Who knew if they were real or not? I shot the Overseer
in cold blood and walked away from the sobbing form that was Amata.
The exit to the vault was just within reach. I could feel my mind on
fire. Everything warped before my eyes. I collapsed to the ground.

Date Unknown

I woke up at the entrance to the vault. I still had my uniform. I
still had my Pip-Boy. It was all the same. I looked around. A barren
landscape extended for miles. I was free of the vault, yet everything
remained the same. How could this be? It hit me. Its all real. I was
sane; my father was the crazy one. I had entered into a new,
post-apocalyptic world and it was mine for the taking! I felt
unstoppable! I picked up a radio signal on my watch and started
running through the scorched field. On the horizon was what appeared
to be a shanty town of some sort. I had a good feeling about this. I
was on top of the world. I was unstoppable. I was the Lone Wanderer!

Subject 134 is one of our most interesting cases. We have no name for
him, but he calls himself the Lone Wanderer. He was found running
around the D.C area screaming, shouting, and talking to random
foliage. he was also reported to be seen shooting at wildlife with a
BB gun. Upon closer interrogation, he insists upon thinking hes in a
post-apocalyptic landscape. He insists upon calling me Lucas Simms,
the sheriff of some place he calls Megaton.

He keeps telling us that his cell is a house I provided him with upon
diffusing the bomb in the center of town. The bomb he is referring to
is what I believe to be the sculpture in the courtyard. We let him out
occasionally. He always has the same reaction. He insists upon being
in an apocalyptic world. We have no idea where he came from; he
appeared to pop up out of nowhere. All we know for sure is that he
shows little hope for improvement.
puntos 43 | votos: 43
Admin cabrones - Que en vez de mejorar la pagina se crean otra, se pide que pongan gif
y demás para disfrutar de la pagina y lo hacen todo en otra pagina,
avariciosos que llenan desmotivaciones de publicidad, como si no
tuvieran suficiente con lo que ganan por no hacer casi nada

Luego el FAQ, si si, lo voy a poner, este miercoles lo pongo... mas
de un mes, y ni puto caso

Encima a los superuser se nos oculta información, ya no sabemos ni el
nombre de los mod ni quien borra los carteles que denunciamos...

En serio admin, me dais vergüenza,  estáis dejando la pagina tanto
que ya da asco todo

Lo malo es que me borraran el cartel antes de que lo leais, pero me
quedare a gusto
puntos 2759 | votos: 2919
  - Una pareja fue entrevistada en un programa de televisión porque
estaban casados desde hacía 40 años y nunca se habían peleado.

El periodista, lleno de curiosidad, pregunta al marido:

Pero ustedes, ¿nunca han discutido?
‘No’, respondió el marido

¿Y cómo es eso?

Cuando nos casamos mi mujer tenía una yegua que apreciaba
muchísimo, era lo que mas quería …

Era la criatura que ella más mimaba en la vida..

El día de nuestra boda fuimos de luna de miel en nuestro carruaje
tirado por la yegua.

En el camino hacia nuestro destino la yegua tropezó. Mi mujer le
dijo con voz firme a la yegua: UNO.

A mitad de nuestro destino la yegua tropezó de nuevo. Mi mujer miró
a la yegua y dijo: DOS.

Al llegar a nuestro destino nuevamente la yegua se tropezó, y mi
mujer bajó y le dijo: TRES.

Acto seguido sacó la pistola y le pegó cinco tiros a la yegua.

‘Yo totalmente sorprendido y molesto le recriminé:

¡Oye asesina, por qué has matado a la yegua eres una desalmada,
desgraciada.. estúpida!

Mi mujer me miró fijamente y me dijo: “UNO”

Y desde entonces vivimos felices sin pelear…

puntos 34 | votos: 36
puntos 7 | votos: 9
Me meo en tu cara PORQUE SÍ -
puntos 8 | votos: 8
Assassins Carlos II - fistro pecador
puntos 16 | votos: 16
Las adicciones - No solo son a las drogas
puntos 17 | votos: 25

puntos 3 | votos: 3
          Castores homines occident -
puntos 6 | votos: 6
Nieto mío, - tus padres son hermanos
puntos 4 | votos: 8
No sabes quién es y yo sí - Oféndete, inculto del rock
puntos 8 | votos: 8
¿2+2? - -Lo siento, mis creencias religiosas me impiden responder a esa pregunta.
puntos 9 | votos: 15
dame hun vecito juapeton -

puntos 8 | votos: 12
Puta viagra -
puntos 7 | votos: 7
Por el presente cartel - se te conmina a expresarte cultamente en todos tus comentarios durante
los próximos 30 minutos
puntos 20 | votos: 20
Si estas viendo este cartel - tienes insomnio
puntos 2237 | votos: 2461
Mamá : - Duermete niño, duermete ya....
Sale Pitbull : que viene el coco y te comera , 1 2 3 DALE !
puntos 18 | votos: 18

puntos 10 | votos: 12
Ataque del pelo... - un momento que hago aquí?
puntos 81 | votos: 81
Fucking love - ¿Una realidad que te duerme cuando empieza o una mentira que te
despierta cuando acaba?
puntos 1728 | votos: 1872
Luke - estoy hasta los cojones de que hagan parodias de mi en desmotivaciones
puntos 12 | votos: 16
Ja Ja Ja - Gano yo, vi la palabra vodka en la palabra vodkabulario
puntos 3 | votos: 5
Ya estaba así cuando llegué -


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